Inducted into the Army January 5, 1967.
6 weeks boot camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky. After boot camp, transferred to Fort Eustis, Virginia for 5 weeks training for marine engineering. Rank E- 1.
In Janurary of 1968, received papers to be transferred to Thailand for overseas duty in the 505" Transportation Company as a truck driver.
Discharged December 20, 1968 as an SP4.
A member of Benwood American Legion Post 46 for 15 years. Also in S.A.L.
Post Commander for two terms 1997-1998 & 1998-1999.
A member of the Honor and Color Guard for 10 years.
Vice-Commander for First District for one year.
A member of the McMechen VFW.
Ang is the Water & Sewage Supervisor for the city and currently (2001) resides in McMechen with his wife, Georgiann. They have two children, Joe and Justin, both members of the Sons of the American Legion.
Web page by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.