LIFE Magazine - "Men From 4 Wars"
6th W.Va. Infantry Soldiers - Letters of L. G. Wilson
Newspaper Article - 1935
Duck Alley Visits Veterans' Hospital - August 1946
Friends Rebuild Duck's Home After Fire - March 1946
Company "L"
"Duck" Alley
Provided by Shirley Fox Allen & Joyce Schaefer Yowler.
Provided by Linda Fluharty.
Provided by Rae Wilson Baker.
Provided by Naomi Lowe Hupp.
Provided by Linda Fluharty.
Provided by Linda Fluharty.
From records of the Adjutant General's Office, compiled by the West Virginia State Archives:Uriah T. Alley - Resident or enrolled Wheeling, W.Va.; 18; mustered in 05 Sep 1864, Wheeling, W.Va. Farmer, born in Marshall Co., W.Va. Recruit, captured at New Creek, W.Va., 28 Nov 1864, and a prisoner of war at date of muster out.
Uriah Talmage Alley, was born 18 Nov 1847 in Pine Grove,Wetzel County, W.Va. He was the son of John "Jack" Alley and Jane Hennen.
Hennen's Choice by Dorothy T. Hennen
Pages 41-42.
JANE HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Whiteley (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-14-1806; died Pine Grove, Va. (now W.Va.) 8-6-1852; married John Alley, son of John and Agnes Alley, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-6-1800; died near Lynn Camp, W.Va. 2-16-1893. Jane Hennen Alley is buried in the cemetery now known as the simpson Hill Cemetery at Pine Grove, W.Va. She was the first person to be buried in this cemetery, the site at that time being a part of the home farm of John and Jane Alley. John Alley is buried in the Long Cemetery at Lynn Camp, W.Va.; at the time of his death weather conditions made it impossible to return the body to Pine Grove for burial beside his wife.
John, more commonly known as Jack, and Jane Alley resided in Marshall County, Virginia (now W.Va.) until 1843-45 when they removed to Pine Grove in Wetzel County, Virginia. In 1857, Jane Alley having died, John sold his farm and moved back to Marshall County where he resided in Meade District until his death. John Alley married second, Margaret Franklin.
John Alley was a farmer and land owner; however he was also a Methodist Minister who served various parts of the wilderness area of West Virginia. Records list many marriages performed by Rev. John Alley.
The death record of John Alley is especially interesting since it lists his death as having occurred on 3-23-1893 and his date of burial as having been 2-18-1893. Further the cause of his death is listed as "force of habit supposed."Children of John Alley and Jane Hennen:
Thomas Hennen Alley married Mary Steel
Minor Burge Alley died young.
Martha Alley married (1) Amos G. Milburn (2) William Fluharty.
Rawson Alley
William Leeper Alley married Matilda Sibert.
Rebecca Ann Alley married Charles B. Morgan.
John Kelley Alley married Martha Ann Richmond.
James M. Alley.
Uriah Talmage Alley married Brucie Clouston.
Submitted by Gary Williamson
"Duck" Alley
Photo obtained from Francis Williamson by Gary Williamson.
1850 Census, Wetzel County, W.Va.
ALLEY, John...50...farmer PA
Jane...44 Pa
Thomas A...24 Va
Rosen...17 Va
William L...14 Va
Rebecca...9 Va
John...7 VA
James...4 VA
Uriah...2 VA
Booth, Mariah...1 mnth Va
1890 Special Census, Cameron District, Marshall County, W.Va.
ALLY, Uriah T., Private, Company "L", 6th WV Infantry. Enlisted 1/10/1864; discharged 6/10/1865. Address: Cameron, WV.1900 Census, Cameron District, Marshall County, W.Va.
ALLEY, 293-295
Uriah...head...Nov 1847...52...M17yrs...WV...WV...WV...day laborer
Brucie C...wife...Mar 1867...33...M17yrs...1/1...WV...WV...WV
Woodburn B...son...Nov 1895...4...WV...WV...WV
NEELY, Isaac...bdr...Jan 1842...58...M38yrs...WV...WV...WV
JOHNSON, Sarah...srvt...Jan 1867...33...M12yrs...1/1...WV...WV...WV...servantBrucie Clouston, wife of Duck Alley, was the daughter of William Morgan Clouston and Elizabeth McCosh.
1880 Census, Cameron District, Marshall County, W.Va.
Elizabeth...50-wf...widow...keeping house...PA...PA...PA
William...14-wm...farm labor...WV
Bruce...12-wf...dau...WVDuck and Brucie had a son, Woodburn Bruce Alley, born 1895, died 1962. He married Roberta Ethel Palmer, born 29 Nov 1899.
Brucie (Clouston) Alley, born 1867, died in 1942 and is buried in Cameron Cemetery, Marshall County, W.Va.
Submitted by Shirley Fox Allen.
Death Claims Uriah T. Alley, West Virginia's Last Civil War Veteran
Cameron News - October 30, 1947
Uriah Talmage Alley, 99, West Virginia's last Civil War veteran, passed away Saturday night at his home on Main street. He had retired early in the evening apparently in good health which he had enjoyed for so many years. His death was discovered shortly after midnight by his grandson Denzel Alley, with whom he made his home.
Known to most of his friends as "Uncle Duck", Mr. Alley lived a very colorful life and until his death he kept his unusually good health and keen memory. For many years he was a dealer in livestock here. When he was past ninety years of age he could mount and ride a horse with the ability of a young man.
Mr. Alley was born at Pine Grove in Wetzel county and his parents moved to Cameron when he was very young. At the age of 17 he enlisted in the Union Army. He was twice captured by the Confederates and was imprisoned for some time in the Andersonville prison.
He is survived by his son, Wood Alley of this city, a granddaughter and a grandson. He was a member of the Methodist church with Rev. Paul E. Sutton officiating.
Burial was made in the Cameron cemetery where full military honors were accorded him by members of the four American Legion Posts of Marshall county: Cameron Post No. 18, the Earl Francis post No. 3 of Moundsville, the A. A. Mountain Post of McMechen and the Blake Brothers Post of Benwood.
Grave of Uriah T. "Duck" Alley, Cameron Cemetery
Photo by Linda Fluharty
Web page by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.