92,094Bassett, JacobAdalinewd. l. arm2.00Mar. 1869
139,883Blake, Sarah A.Adalinewidow8.00Feb. 1870
207,926Blake, Jno.Adalineg. s. w. l. thumb2.00May 1882
66,998Whitlutch, JacobBannenwd. r. shr4.00June 1868
17,455Hummel, Margaret J.Beeler's Stationwidow8.00Mar. 1867
62,345Abercrombie, ElizabethBeeler's Stationwidow8.00Aug. 1868
94,563Stimmel, AnneBelltonwidow8.00May 1867
141,465Criswell, Jno.Belltondis. hip & leg, resl't
of typhoid fever
4.00Sept. 1876
17,719Calvert, Wm. P.Belltoninjury to abdomen4.00Oct. 1863
205,580Whetzal, Jno. T.Belltondis. eyes & inj. r. foot2.00March 1882
73,952Geho, AmyBelltonwidow8.00Oct. 1870
140,912Hilton, JosephBelltoninj. r. knee2.00Aug. 1876
21,030Scott, Thomas H.Belltong. s. w. r. leg4.00Dec. 1863
130,512Leech, Jno.Benwooddis. of heart8.00Oct. 1874
50,006Huggins, RichardBenwoodwd. of r. fist, etc6.00Sept 1865
199,586Welsh, Sam'lBenwoodg. s. w. l. leg2.00Dec. 1881
50,505Bucklew, Mary MarthaBoard Treewidow8.00Aug. 1867
121,167Gray, EleanorBoard Treemother8.00Nov. 1868
158,876Leonard, Wm. C.Board Treedis. heart8.00Apr. 1879
44,401Hubbs, Jno.Board Treewd. r. leg4.00Mar. 1871
201,640Boyd, LeviCameronchr. diarr. & debility2.00Jan. 1882
117,720Hicks, Jas. W.Camerong. s. w. l. elbow2.00July 1872
77,126Chambers, Jas. A.Cameronwd. l. hnd2.00Feb. 1867
129,533Clouston, Jas. Camerong. s. w. l. thigh2.00Aug. 1874
116,245Chambers, CalebCamerong. s. w. l. leg & ank. mashed4.00Apr. 1872
56,992Chamber, Benj.Cameronwd. r. arm3.00Jan. 1866
133,423McDonald, Jefferson L.Camerong. s. w. r. h'nd, loss 3 fing10.00May 1875
124,668Moore, EzekielCameronchr. diarr.6.00Aug. 1878
119,389Matthews, Andrew J.Camerong. s. w. r. foot2.00Oct. 1872
113,453Bane, JesseCameronsh'l wd. of head6.00Sept. 1871
62,136Hunt, DavidCameronloss r. arm above elbow24.00____
44,820Gray, Francis M.Cameronwd. l. thigh8.00June 1865
51,545Sisson, Ellen J.Cameronwidow8.00Sept. 1867
90,976Stewart, Sarah J.Cameronwidow8.00Mar. 1867
39,321Manning, ElizabethCameronwidow8.00Apr. 1867
188,945Miller, Geo.Cameronfather8.00June 1880
187,182Parker, Wm. C.Cameronloss r. leg, inj. l. leg & spine25.00Apr. 1881
97,453Hartzell, Eva AnnCameronwidow8.00July 1867
99,601Boners, Jno. P.Cameronwd. of l. thigh2.00Sept. 1869
195,545Boyd, MaryCameronmother8.00May 1882
23,690Burley, MariaCameronwidow8.00Mar. 1867
45,947Fry, Mary J.Cameronwidow8.00June 1868
91,888Fletcher, ElizabethCameronwidow8.00Nov. 1867
189,417Fletcher, JaneCameronmother8.00Aug. 1880
2,551Clouston, SarahCameronwidow8.00Sept. 1867
74,036Redd, Jno. S.Cameronwd. r. leg4.00Nov. 1866
64,822Byrnes, Wm. F.Camerong. s. w. l. hnd.8.00June 1866
124,478Fish, Jas. P. K.Camerondis. lungs & spine31.25____
73,330Chambers, WilsonCameronwd. l. arm & shr4.00Oct. 1866
195,798Clark, Thos. B.Camerondis. eyes6.00Sept. 1881
25,225Billick, Wm.Dallaswd. of back4.00Mar. 1864
14,019Himmeger, MargaretDallaswidow8.00Aug. 1867
178,256Manning, Jas. B.Glen Eastonminors of12.00July 1877
89,471Hanen, Sam'l R.Glen Eastonwd. r. heel2.00Mar. 1868
51,610Hanen, Jeremiah L.Glen Eastong. s. w. l. arm 6.00Nov. 1865
135,016Harris, HenryGlen Eastong. s. w. in head6.00July 1875
179,527Harris, Geo. W.Glen Eastonloss l. 3rd. fing. from g. s. w.2.00Dec. 1880
170,741Pyles, Geo.Glen Eastonfather8.00Oct. 1875
144,581Roberts, Ada T.Glen Eastonwidow21.00Oct. 1873
95,429White, ElizaGlen Eastonwidow8.00June 1867
15,256Easton, Mary T.Glen Eastonwidow 18128.00Jan. 1879
182,352Blincoe, MaryGlen Eastonmother8.00Oct. 1878
56,989Bonar, Wm. N.Glen Eastonwd. l. side neck, & scalp6.00Jan 1866
77,954Deitz, AndrewGlen Eastonwd. r. forearm2.00Mar. 1867
107,691Crisswell, LloydGlen Eastong. s. w. of breast4.00Feb. 1871
70,105Cain, MargaretHowardwidow8.00July 1867
21,039Scott, Thos. H.Knoxvilleg. s. w. rt. leg4.00Dec. 1863
5,714Morris, Wm.Limestonesurv. 18128.00Oct. 1871
188, 952Leach, PhebeLimestonewidow & 2 ch12.00June 1880
98,819McGary, Thos.Loudenvilleg. s. w. r. hand18.00____
155,339Hartley, MargaretLynn Campwidow8.00Jan. 1877
219,367Stall, Jno.Majorsvillefrozen feet6.00Oct. 1882
204,971Pyles, BernardMelvindis. lungs4.00Mar. 1882
23,983Cecil, Wm. H.Moundsvillesurv. 18128.00Aug. 1878
31,695Crawford, CharlotteMoundsvillewidow of 18128.00May 1881
107,081Lockwood, Jonathan H.Moundsvilleinj. to abdomen,
g. s. w. shr & heel
18.75Dec. 1870
100,587Logston, Jas.Moundsvillewd. r. arm3.00Oct. 1869
135,051Low, AlexMoundsvilleinjury to abdomen4.00Aug. 1875
74,236Manning, Thos. W.Moundsvilledis. chest4.00Nov. 1866
82,671McCormick, Thos.Moundsvilleg. s. w. neck4.00June 1867
138,915Mealey, Jno.Moundsvilleopthalmia4.00Apr. 1876
45,859Grindstaff, Jno.Moundsvilleloss r. leg18.00____
196,979Conrad, Jno. W.Moundsvillerheum.4.00Oct. 1881
207,981Hubbs, ElijahMoundsvilledis. of abdominal viscera4.00May 1882
80,069Porter, ElizaMoundsvillemother8.00Aug. 1866
164,954Rulong, Ellen J.Moundsvillewidow & 2 ch.12.00May 1874
50,194Rulong, ElanorMoundsvillemother8.00June 1868
141,986Stillwell, EmilyMoundsvillewidow8.00Apr. 1870
138,038Shimp, Bell JaneMoundsvillewidow10.00Jan. 1870
181,585Stansberry, RebeccaMoundsvillewidow8.00July 1878
26,870Tennant, SusannahMoundsvillewidow8.00July 1864
131,080Tomlinson, MaryMoundsvillewidow8.00June 1869
171,107Wilson, Mary JaneMoundsvillewidow & 1 ch.10.00Nov. 1875
120,952Six, AbnerMoundsvillewd. head, insanity6.00Jan. 1871
180,006Lewis, BarcusMoundsvilleg. s. w. r. leg4.00Dec. 1880
176,421Williamson, MarthaMoundsvillewidow21.00Feb. 1877
162, 302McGill, RuthMoundsvillewidow & ch.10.00May 1873
54,731McCloskey, M. L.Moundsvillewidow15.00Dec. 1873
93,943McGill, MargaretMoundsvillemother8.00May 1867
134,039Lock, MariaMoundsvillewidow8.00Sept. 1869
149,171Low, Mary AnnMoundsvillewidow8.00Sept. 1871
20,552Little, Mary Kisirch [Kesiah]Moundsvillewidow8.00July 1867
170,554Hammond, SusannahMoundsvillemother8.00Aug. 1875
123,454Walton, HiramMoundsvilleg. s. w. neck & r. leg6.00May 1873
149,663Wiedenbush, AdolphMoundsvilleg. s. w. l. shr.2.00Dec. 1877
195,500Powell, ThompsonMoundsville dis. lungs6.00Sept. 1881
47,268Kirk, JemimaMoundsvillewidow8.00Nov. 1868
170,569Jones, CarolineMoundsvillewidow19.00Nov. 1875
183,114Jones, IsraelMoundsvilleminors of2.00Mar. 1879
185,314Burnam, ElizabethMoundsvillemother8.00Aug. 1879
197,630Graff, Maria AnnMoundsvillewidow & ch.10.00Mar. 1882
30,694Dodson, Hannah A.Moundsvillewidow 18128.00Nov. 1880
24,075Wells, DeborahMoundsvillewidow 18128.00May 1879
208,794Noice, Wm.Moundsvillechr. rheum.4.00May 1882
45,515Roberts, Jno. C.Moundsvillewd. r. leg5.00July 1865
222,898Dunlap, Jas.Moundsvilleinjury to abdomen4.00Dec. 1882
26,936Brock, LeviMoundsvillewd. r. hip8.00Apr. 1864
36,766Finn, Thos.Moundsvilleloss l. leg. unable
to bear artificial
204,286Crow, John C.Moundsvilleg. s. w. r. thigh2.00Mar. 1882
11,395White, AnneRock Lickwidow8.00Feb. 1867
22,528Jenkins, Mary J.Roseby's Rockwidow 18128.00Apr. 1879
118,487Spoon, JacobRoseby's Rockg. s. w. of head, back, & l. ear4.00Aug. 1872
29,411Wilkerson, MaryRoseby's Rockwidow 18128.00May 1880
102,638Eckels, Jno. P.Roseby's Rockwd. l. thigh2.00Apr. 1870
118,860Blake, Wm.Roseby's Rockg. s. w. & amp. of index finger3.00Sept. 1872
31,195Dardinger, Jno. S.Roseby's Rockwd. both h'nds24.00____
30,257Wood, DelilahSaint Josephwidow8.00Sept. 1864
68,362Sivert, David A. L.Sand Hillwd. r. lung12.00July 1866
81,331Hopkins, MarkSherrardloss sight r. eye. impaired
vision of l.,inj. jaw
10.00May 1867
68,189Pelley, Phillip Mc.Sherrardwds. of face8.00July 1866
71,721Merinar, Geo.Sherrardwd. of head4.00June 1878
153,480Kerns, DavidWolf Runinjury to abdomen4.00June 1878
71,422Sockman, Francis M.Wolf Runwd. l. foot2.00Sept. 1866
73,289Harbison, Iven F.Woodlandsg. s. w. both shoulders6.00Sept. 1866
113,253Craig, IraWoodlandsphth. pulm., typh. fev., etc6.00Aug. 1871
59,382McHenry, Jas. N.Woodlandsg. s. w. l. h'nd8.00Mar. 1866
152,235Graham, Wm.Woodlandsg. s. w. l. thigh4.00Apr. 1878
159,438Petzold, Lovenia D.Woodlandswidow12.00Aug. 1872
42,812Myers, RachelWoodlandswidow8.00Nov. 1867
67,645Myers, MaryWoodlandswidow8.00Mar. 1869
185,081McDonald, NancyWoodlandsmother8.00July 1879
106,352Wingrove, Jno.Woodlandsg. s. w. l. h'nd2.00Nov. 1870
191,245Wiley, Archibald J.Woodlandsloss l. index fing.3.00June 1881
177,388Dawdell, MaryWoodlandswidow8.00May 1877
178,454Giles, Wm.Woodlandsfather8.00Aug. 1877

Presented by Linda Cunningham Fluharty, 1999.

Copied from List Of PENSIONERS ON THE ROLL January 1, 1883, VOl. 5, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore.