War of 1812

under the command of Captain John Bonnett, at Norfolk,
in the service of the United States, commanded by Lt. Col. Henry C. Coleman,
from the 30th day of May, 1814, when last mustered, to the 28th of June, 1814.


Bonnett, John, Capt.Ewing, James, Lt.White, Pewgrine, Lt.
Keller, Jacob, EnsignWells, Daniel, EnsignBonce, John, Sgt.
Harding, Vachel, Sgt.Porter, Jonah, Sgt.Thomas, Jonathan, Sgt.
Vanscyoc, James, Sgt.Terrell, Daniel, Cpl.Adams, Thomas, Cpl.
Crow, Jacob, Cpl.Bills,William, Cpl.Ogden,Cornelius, Cpl.


Allen, Augustus Aihine, JamesAnkrum, William
Ankrum, Aaron Betts, JohnBiddle, Spencer
Baker, John Barcly, RobertBell, William
Burns, JamesBurris, FrancisBlodgett, Daniel
Bond, JohnBaker, BenjaminBogard, John
Blake, Isaac Belford ______Buchanan, John
Brown, IsaacBuilman, JohnCarroll, John
Carland, DanielCraig, DavidCox, Joseph
Carmichael, JohnClegg, ThomasChanot, Justus
Cline, JohnDay, DanielDarling, Daniel
Daugherty, WilliamDenison, JamesDarnel, Levi
Doty, ChageDeal, ArchibaldEvans, John
Evans, GeorgeEdging, RobertEnoch, Bruce
Francis, JamesFletcher, WilliamGregg, Levi
Given, NealGlaspy, John Goodrich, George
Grandstaff, MosesGray, James Hicks, John
Hoover, SamuelHowell, Jonathan Handlan,Richard
Jefferson, JamesJones, AbrahamKyger, John
Kyger, AndrewKiggins,ThomasKnox, James
Lyon, DavidLyon, DanielLewis, Aaron
Martin, AsaMartin, SamuelMcVay, Jacob
Malony, WilliamMaly, JohnMcClelland, William
Medley, DavidMonis, MorganMorgan, Uriah
Mcardle, HoraceMcHenry, JamesMcCarthy, David
Moore, ThomasMoore, FerdinandMurphy, William
Moreland, NicholasMartin, AlexanderMavis, Andrew
Marlin, ElijahOrr, WilliamOwens, John
Patterson, DavidRice, Jacob Rush, Bethuel
Robinson, JamesRoberts, LeviRiggle, Henry
Ryan, HenryStarks, PardonStone, John
Stone, JosephSims, JohnSmith, William
Smith, JohnTaylor, JamesTaylor, William
Underwood, IsaacVanscyoc, JohnVandevenden, Nicholas
Watson, WilliamWeekly, JamesWard, Daniel
Westbrook, Samuel White, Jacob Winter 

*ANDREW KIGER, b abt 1784, d abt 1880. He was the older of the brothers,(JOHN & LEWIS) and had served as a soldier in the War of 1812. He was married, but there is no record of their having any children. His niece, Hannah Kiger, after the death of her mother, lived in their home, which was evidently in northern Marshall Co, WV. He died at age of 96. (Submitted by Jerry Bruhn.)

**JOHN KYGER, b. abt 1797. (Submitted by Jerry Bruhn.)