The War of 1812 - Pension file of JACOB SIVERT.
Document # 1:
(cover page) says: Death of Sol + clam't-with a stamp that reads: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
May 2, 1879
Document # 2:
County Court of Ohio County,
Wheeling W Va August 18, 1877
Commander of Pensions
Yours received in regards to the marriage of Jacob SIVERT to Ann GROVES - in examination of the Records in my office I find the following Consent in the words (unreadable word) following Wheeling December 7th 1812
I Rebecca Maconhana(?-hard to read) do give my consent for my daughter Ann GROVES to be joined in matrimony to Jacob SIVERTS
Given from under my hand December 7th 1812
Rebecca MACONHANA(?) X her mark
I also find a bond sworn in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia for #150 (or 15-ink blob at end of amount)-with (crossed out) by Jacob SIVERT principal + Peter WILSON surety dated Dec 7 1812 in the following Coutiny(?) to wit
Now therefore if there be no just cause to obstruct said Marriage then this above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue in law signed Jacob SIVERT (seal)
Peter WILSON (seal)
On top of this page is stamped DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PENSION OFFICE AUG 22 1877
Document #3:
Court of Ohio County (continued from previous page)
Wheeling W Va 187?
And I find Marriage record Book No 1 page 139 the following
This is to certify to all whom it may conceern that according to the laws of Virginia I Solemnized the rite of marriage between - x x x x x x x x x x x on the 25' day of August 1811 and on the 20' day of November 1811 between x- - - - - - x on the 7' day of December 1812 between Jacob SIVERT and Ann GROVES -
x x - x x x - x x
Given under my hand this 7' day of May 1814
A Copy Teste Wm CHAPLIN C.O.C.
I deem the above date of Dec 7th 1812 to be Correct In testimony Whereof I hereunto set my hand + seal of said Court this said 20' day of August 1877 Too(?) B NOVAS (?) Clerk
Clerk's fee $1.00
WAR OF 1812
NUMBERS: 1st line blank; 2nd line M'd Orig 8466; 3rd line M'd Cef. 24298
SERVICE: Capt T.P. MOORE's Co 12 Regt. US Inf
All other fields on the page are blank.
Document # 5:
Down the side of the paper is written Death of Sol + Claim't
State of West Virginia
County of Marshall
On this 15 day of November AD 1878 personally appeared before me the subscriber William WARDEN and Samuel TURNER, respectively aged 79 years and 47 years, who being by me duly Sworn according to the law, Say that Jacob SIVERT deceased died on or about the 6th day of September AD 1851, that they were at his funeral, knew him for years before his death, He was a neighbor of ours And that we have no interest whatever in this statement
William WARDEN (sel)
P.O. Address
Sandhill Marshall Co West VA
Samuel TURNER (seal)
P.O. Address
Sandhill Marshall W Va
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15 day of November AD 1878. And I hereby certify that the above named affiants are known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully explained to them said affiants before swearing and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim
David LUTES Justice
Also personally appeared Sarah F. BRUCE
and Margaret E. COLE persons known to me
Document # 6:
(continued from previous document)-be respectable and entitled to credit and who being by me duly sworn say, That they know Ann SIVERT widow of Jacob SIVERT to have died on the 3rd day of January AD 1878, because we helped to lay out and dress the corpse and that we have no interest whatever in this statement.
Sarah F BRICE (seal)
P.O. Address
Wheeling Valley West Va
Margaret E COLE (seal)
P.O. Adress
Wheeling Valley West Va
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of November AD 1878 and I hereby certify that the affiants are known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully explained to them before swearing and that I have no interest whatever in this claim
David LUTES Justice
Document # 7:
I, THOMAS FINN, Clerk of the County Court within and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify tht David LUTES Esq., whose genuine signature is signed to the annexed Certificates was, at the time of Executing the same, an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said county, duly elected, sworn, and authorized under the laws of West Virginia, to administer
oaths, certify acknowledgements to Deeds and other writings, and full faith and credit is due to all his official acts.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Moundsville, this 29th day of April A.D., 1879. Thos FINN, Clerk.
Document # 1:
ACT OF 50-160- Wt # 23319
1812 GRADE Musc,
12" Regt U.S. Inf,
CAN NO. 391 BUNDLE NO. 103
Document # 2:
Commanding the Northern Army of the United States of America.
Jacob SIVERTS a Musician of Captain Thos P MOORES Company, in the Twelfth Regt of Infantry has served one year and six months the full term for which he enlisted is hereby DISCHARGED.
TO prevent imposition, the following description of the said Jacob SIVERTS is annexed.
He is twenty four years of age; Six feet ___inches high: has a fair complexion; Brown hair; Blue eyes; was born in the County of Botetourt in the State of Virginia and is, by occupation a Hatter (not sure if this is the right word-hard to read). GIVEN at Head-Quarters, Pittsburgh on the thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen & the thirty eighth year of the Independence of the United States of America.
H. ATKINSON (Signature)
(Signature unreadable-different from above signature)
Document # 3:
I hereby acknowledge, that I have received from the United States of America, my pay, clothing and subsistence acording to law, from the date of my enlistment to the date of the within discharge.
Jacob SYBERTS X his mark
Teste Lewis MILLER
Lt 12th Infy
Document # 4:
State of Virginia County of (Marshall-crossed out) Ohio} ss.
On this 10th day of January A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty one personally appeared before me a Notary Public (Justice of the Peace-crossed out) duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, Jacob SIVERTS aged 62 years, a resident of Marshall County in the State of Virginia who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Jacob SIVERTS who was a musician in the Company commanded by Captain Thos P MOORES in the Twelth Regiment of US Infantry commanded by Maj Genl James WILKINSON in the War with Great Britain declared by the United States June 18, 1812 that he enlisted at Wheeling Virginia on or about the 13 day of October A.D. 1812 for the term of eighteen months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of eighteen months and was honorably discharged at Pittsburgh Penna on the thirteenth day of April A.D. 1814 on account of expiration of enlistment as will appear by his Discharge hereunto surrendered
He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which he may be entitled under the "act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the united States ," passed September 28th, 1850. I certify that the erasure above of Marshall and substitution of "Ohio" was done before signing
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written. And I hereby verify, that I believe the said Jacob SYBERTS to be the identical man who served as aforesaid, and that he is of the age above stated.
Jacob SIVERT (Signature) L.S. (seal)
Before me Notary Public in and for Ohio County Virginia
Hiram D. (unreadable last name in signature)
Notary Public Ohio County
Know all men by these presents, that Jacob SIVERTS of the county of Marshall and State of Virginia have constituted and appointed, and by these presents do constitute and appoint Geo S THOMPSON my true and lawful Attorney, irrevocably for me and in my name to receive from the United States the bounty land certificate or warrant, or Pension certificate, and all such sum or sums of money due me on account or arrears of pay, three months' extra pay, forage, mileage, for horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service, expenses incurred, or money expended for organizing volunteer companies before being mustered into the service of the United States, or any money or moneys which may be due me by the United States on any account whatsoever, and generally to do all lawful acts and things whatsoever touching the premises, and an attorney or attornies under him for the purposes aforesaid, to make and at his
(Continued on Document # 5).
Document # 5:
(Continued from Document # 4) pleasure to revoke, hereby confirming all and whatsoever my said attorney shall in my name legally do or cause to be done in and about the premises. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 10 day of January 1851
Jacob SIVERT (Signature) L.S. (seal)
Acknowledged and subscribed before me a (Justice of the Peace-crossed out) a Notary Public
and for the county of Ohio and State of Virginia this tenth of January 1851 and I certify that the erasures above were done before signing
H D (Last name of signature unreadable) Notary Public
STATE OF ....................COUNTY OF ....................} ss.
I hereby certify that ....................Esq., before whom the foregoing declaration and power of attorney was made, and who has thereunto subscribed his name, was at the time of so doing a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn, and that his signature therein is genuine. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the ....................for the County aforesaid, of..........185 Clerk.
NO 157853 Jan 25/50
Jacob SIVERT- 12th Regt U.S. Infantry
War 1812 Discharge
Document # 6:
NOTE:This is three small documents photocopied on one page-A, B, C
A-41.594 Act March 31
157.833 April 5/55
Wid of
Jacob SIBERT-pvt
Capt Wm. IRWIN
Col Archibald WOOD
Va. Mil
Ent 14 Augt 1814
Dis 14 March 1815
____War 1812____
Recd Wt 23.519-160
Letter Nov 7/55A.V.H.
Wheeling Va
B-137833 Dec 23/52
Nancy SYVERT wid of
Jacob SYVERT dec'd
12 U.S. Inf
Ent Oct 1812
Dis Ap 1813
Third Aud's office
28 Feby 1853.
Jacob SYVERT entered the service under Capt MOORE. on the 19 Sept 1812. for 18 months
+ disd on the 12 Apr 1813. when Hon Discharged.
Wheeling Va
C-157 853
Jan 25/
Cap. MOORE's Co
Musician 12th Regt
enlisted October 1812
dis 12 April 1814
All 160 Acres
for 160 a
Warrant 10181 paid
Nov 5/51
Vol 14 Washington (?)
Document # 7:
NOTE: This is a photocopy of a 160 acre bounty warrant for Jacob SIVERT.
United States of America
Office of THE COMMISSIONER OF Pensions.
It is hereby certified that under the Act of September 28th, 1850, entitled, "An Act granting bounty Land to certain officers and Soldiers who have been engaged in THE MILITARY SERVICE of the United States" Jacob SIVERT, Musician in Capts. MOORES Company 12 Regiment , US Infantry, War 1812
NOTE: Written across his name is Cancelled 23319 for 160 acres. entitled to locate ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES at any land Office of the united States in one body, and in conformity to the legal subject to entry st private sale Given under my hand and the Seal of the Department, this 5 day of november 1851
No. 10181 JEH CALLA (hard to read-Signature) Commissioner
Note. you can locate this certificate at any of the United States land offices, or it will be located for you by the General Land Office on the return of it, with your request to that effect endorsed thereon, specifying the State and Land District in which you wish the location made. If you locate it, fill up and sign the following application. To the Register of the Land Office locate this Certificate in the (blank) quarter of section (blank) in Township of (blank) of Range (blank)
Document # 8:
Wheeling Jany 22, 1851
James E HEATH Esq
Commissioner of Pension
Dear Sir I enclose applications of
or the Bounty Land under Act of 28 Sep 1850
I am very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Document # 9:
Wheeling, Va Nov 17, 1852
Commissioner of Pensions
Dear Sir
I sent to you on the 22d Jan 1850 an application for Bounty Land under act 28 Sep 1850. of Jacob SYVERTS late a Musician in Captain Ths P MOORES Company in 12th Regiment US Infantry under Maj Genl WILKINSON who enlisted at Wheeling VA for 18 months on 13 october 1812 and was discharged on the 13 April 1814 at Pittsburg and also sent you his discharge-
And having sent you a number of applications since which have been acted on I would most respectfully desire your attention to Jacob SYVERTS claim as he is in needy circumstances and says he thinks his case is a clear one and wishes you to send him a Warrant.
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Geo. S. THOMPSON 10.181
Document # 10:
Wheeling Dec 20, 1852
Commissioner of Pensions
Dear Sir
I enclose application of Mrs Nancy SYVERT widow of Jacob SYVERT who was a Musician in
Capt Thos P MOORES 12 regt US Infantry War 1812 for Bounty Land under Act 28 September
1850 + March 22, 1852
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Document # 11:
Form Of Declaration for Widow of a deceased Officer or Soldier.
State of Virginia County of Ohio}ss.
On this fifteenth day of December A.D., one thousand eight hundred fifty two personally appeared before me, a Justice of Peace within and for the county and State aforesaid, Mrs Nancy SYVERT aged fifty three years, a resident of Marshall County in the State of Virginia, who being duly sworn according to law, declares, that she is the widow of Jacob SYVERT, deceased, who was a Musician in the company commanded by Captain Thomas P MOORE in the twelth (12th) Regiment of US Infantry commanded by Major Genl James WILKINSON in the War with Great Britain declared on 18 June 1812 That her said husband enlisted at Wheeling Virginia on or about the 13th October A.D., 1812 for the term of Eighteen Months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of Eighteen Months and was discharged at Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on the 13th day of April 1814 as will appear by the muster Rolls of the company: that her said husband received a discharge which was sent to the office of the Commissioner of Pensions on the 22d day of January 1851, with an application of her husband for Bounty Land She further states that she was married to the said Jacob SYVERT in Wheeling Virginia on the seventh day of December A.D., 1812 by one Jacob BERKEL Esq a Justice of the Peace in and for Ohio County and that her name before her said marriage was Nancy MOORE that her said husband died at Sand Hill Marshall County Virginia on the Sixth day of September A.D., 1851 and that she is still a widow. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the act passed September 28th, 1850. March 22, 1852 She further declares that she has not received any Bounty Land nor her husband under this or any other act of Congress}
Nancy SYVERT X her mark
William HALL (seal)
Justice of Peace
State of Virginia County of Ohio } ss.
On this 15 day of December A.D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty two personally appeared before me, a Justice of Peace within and for the State and county aforesaid Thomas CAMPBELL and William HALL residents of the State of Virginia county of Ohio + City of Wheeling who being duly sworn according to law, declare that (Continued on Document # 12)
Document # 12:
(Continued from Document # 11) Nancy SYVERT is the widow of Jacob SYVERT deceased, who was a Musician in the company commanded by Captain Thomas P MOORE in the 12th regiment of US Infantry commanded by Major Genl James WILKINSON in the Late War with Great Britain That the said Nancy SYVERT was married to the said Jacob SYVERT deceased, at Wheeling in the State of Virginia on the Seventh day of December A.D., 1812 by one Jacob BERKEL Esq a Justice of Peace, that the name of the said Nancy SYVERT before her marriage aforesaid was Nancy MOORE, that her husband the said Jacob SYVERT died at Sand Hill Marshall Co Va on the Sixth day of September A.D., 1851 and that she is still a widow. That they have been acquainted with the Said Nancy SYVERT from the year 1810 to the present time and from personal knowledge know her to be the widow of Jacob SYVERT}
William HALL
And they swear that they are disinterested witnesses.
Subscribed and sworn before me this fifteenth day of September A.D., 1852. And I hereby
certify that Thomas CAMPBELL and William HALL are credible witnesses.
*Witnesses will state here the reasons upon which their evidence is founded.
Charles D KNOX
Justice of Peace
STATE OF....................COUNTY OF................}
I....................Clerk of the County Court, in and for the County and State above mentioned, do certify, that............... whose genuine signature appears in the foregoing declaration and affadavit, is, and was at the time of signing the same and for the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn; that all his official acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit; and that the aforesaid County Court, is a court of record, having general jurisdiction.
Given under my hand and Seal of Office, of..........A.D.,
185 .
The Commissioner of Pensions will please forward my warrant to Geo S THOMPSON
Nancy SYVERT X her mark
Thos M KEEN (again not positive on this name in the signature)
Document # 13:
ACT OF 28th SEPT., 1850.
Mrs. Nancy SYVERT
Widow of Jacob SYVERT
Virginia Ohio County Set
I Jno McCOLLOCH Clerk of the County Court of Ohio County aforesaid in the State of
Virginia do certify that William HALL Esqr before whom Nancy SIVERT made and made
oath to the foregoing Declaration + (before whom-crossed out) Charles D KNOX Esqr
before whom Thomas CAMPBELL + William HALL were sworn as witnesses + also before
whom George THOMPSON made the foregoing affadavit who have given and signed with
their genuine signatures thereof wen at the time and now are acting Justices of
the peace in + for said County + State duly commissioned and sworn according to
Law Witness my hand + the Seal of said court this 17th day of December AD 1852
Document # 14:
NOTES. (This is the title of this page. It gives a long paragraph on instructions of what to say in the sworn affadavits and which war the person served, who can give sworn statements, the right way to write it and the sentences to be included etc.)
State of Virginia Ohio County
Be it known that on the 16 day of December 1852 formally appeared before me a Justice
of Peace in and for said county Geo S THOMPSON who being duly sworn according to law
testified that he deposited in the Wheeling Post Office on the 22d day of January 1852
a discharge of Jacob SYVERT who was a Musician in the 12th Regt US Infantry under Cap
Thomas P MOORE Co and signed by Maj Genl James WILKINSON and the said discharge stated
that said SYVERT enlisted at Wheeling Va for the term of 18 months and was discharged
at Pittsburgh , Penn 13 April 1814 That the said discharge accompanied an application
of Jacob SYVERT for Bounty Land under Act 28 Sep 1850 and authorized the Comr of
Pensions to send said Land Warrant to said GS THOMPSON - That the said application
and discharge was directed to IE HEATH Esq Comm of Pensions Washington City DC That
the said GS THOMPSON has not received any intelligence from the application except
the receipt of it which was duly acknowledged by return mail - Sworn to and subscribed
the day and year last above mentioned before me Geo.S. THOMPSON
Charles D KNOX Justice of Peace
Document # 15:
Wheeling Jany 22, 1853
Commissioner of Pensions
Dear Sir
On the 22 July 1851 I sent you three applications for Bounty Land Warrant enclosed in
one envelope viz that of James PATTERSON Jacob SYVERT and James McCONEHY -
The receipt of the letter you acknowledged and much to my surprise I to day received
your letter stating that the Bounty Land Warrant No 10.181 for 160 acres in favor of
Jacob SYVERT was issued and sent to LL LEWIS on the 5th November 1851 -on this appli-
cation you will find that Mr SYVERT requested this Warrant to be sent to me - and I
wrote you July 24, 1852 and November 17, 1852 enquiring what was done in the case
On the 6th of September 1851 Jacob SYVERT died and on the 20 December 1852 I sent you
an application for his widow for a Warrant in her favor - What course will have to be
taken Will you procure the Warrant from Mr LEWIS? Where does Mr LEWIS reside? Your
early attention will oblige your obedient servant
Document # 16:
Washinton, March 16th '53
Your communication of the 12th rest. requesting the return of said Warrant no 10.181 issued to Jacob SIVERT for 160 a which was sent to me by mistake, is just recd. I herewith return it and take this opportunity to inform you that I have several others which I know nothing of as I informed your Chief Clerk more than a year since. They may be due to those who sent them to me as I was very sick a part of the time, and did not enter all the cases I recd. upon my book and have been waiting for the parties to write in reference to them. One of which that of Benj. BROOK, was required(??unsure if required) for a few weeks since.
Very respectfully L. L. LEWIS
I.E. HEATH Comr of Pensions
(There is a title before IE HEATH-can't read)
Document # 17:
Bounty Lands.
Mrs Nancy SIBERT.
Widow of Jacob SIBERT.
Act March 3, 1855
G.L. CRAMMER, atty
Virginia Ohio County Set
I Jno McCOLLOCH Clerk of the County Court of Ohio County aforesaid do certify that it
appears from the records in my office that Jacob (GROVES-crossed out) SIVERT and Ann
GROVES were dulymarried on the 7th day of December AD 1812 Witness my hand and the Seal
of Said Court this 28th March 1855
Document # 18:
State of Virginia County of Ohio. ss.
On this day of March A.D. 1855 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within + for the County + State aforesaid Nancy SIBERT aged 55 years a resident of the City of Wheeling in Ohio County in the State of Virginia who being duly sworn according to law declares that she is the widow of Jacob SIBERT dec'd who was a (blank space) in the Company commanded by Captain William GRIM in the 4" Regiment of Virginia Militia Commanded by Col Archibald WOODS in the War with Great Britain declared by the United States June 18, 1812, that her said husband was drafted at Wheeling, Oho County, Virginia on or about the 14th day of August A.D. 1814 for the
term of six months, and continued in actual service in said War for the term of from one to three months and was honorably discharged at Wheeling Virginia on the 14th day of March A.D. 1815 havind done actual service from the latter part of January 1815 or there abouts up to the period last mentioned. She further States she was married to the said Jacob SIBERT in Wheeling Va on the 7 day of December A.D. 1812 by one Jacob BURKITT a Magistrate ad that her name before
said marriage was Nancy GROVES that her said husband died at Sand Hill Marshall Co, Va on the 6 day of September A.D. 1851 and that she is now a widow
She further declares that she has heretofor made application for bounty land under the Act approved September 28th 1850 and obtained a Warrant for 160 Acres, No 23.3319 which she has legally disposed of and it cannot now be returned. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the act approved March 3, 1855.
Nancy SIBERT X her mark
Document # 19:
We D McGINNIS and J H. WATERS, residents of the City of Wheeling + State of Virginia upon our oaths declare that the foregoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by Nancy SIBERT in our presence and that we believe from the appearance and statement of the applicant that she is the identical person she represents herself to be.
The foregoing declaration and affadavit were sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year above written and I certify that I know the applicants to be credible persons; that the claimant is the person she represents herself to be and that I have no interest in that claim. (The entire last paragraph is crossed out letter by letter every line)
State of Virginia, Ohio County, ss.
On this (blank) day of March A.D. 1855 personally appeared before me an acting justice
of the Peace within + for the County + State aforesaid (blank) and (blank) residents
of the County of Ohio and State of Virginia who upon their oaths declare that Nancy
SIBERT is the widow of Jacob SIBERT dec'd who was a (blank) in the Company and Regiment
of Virginia Militia in the war declared by the United against Great Britain June 18,
1812 as set forth in the foregoing declaration That the said jacob SIBERT was married
to the said Nancy SIBERT in the (blank) in the State of (blank) on the (blank)day of
(blank) AD 18 and that the name of the said Nancy SIBERT before her marriage aforesaid
was Nancy (blank) that her husband the said Jacob SIBERT died at (blank) on the (blank)
day of (blank)A.D. (blank) and that she is still the widow. NOTE: This entire last
paragraph is crossed out with a big x and a line drawn acrossed the middle of it.
Document # 20:
That the foregoing Statements are made from their personal knowledge having been personally acquainted with the parties for (blank) years and they swear that they are disinterested witnesses.
The foregoing declaration and affadavits were Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and
year above written and I certify that I know the affiants to be credible persons, that the claimant as the person she represents herself to be and that I have no interest in this claim.
William HALL J.P.
Virginia Ohio County set
I Jno McCOLLOCH Clerk of the County Court of Ohio County aforesaid do certify that William
HALL Esqr whose (name-crossed out) genuine Signature is Signed to the foregoing paper in one
place was at the time and yet is an acting Justice of the peace in and for Said County and State duly Commisioned Elected and Sworn according to Law.
Witness my hand and the Seal of same Court this 28th (day-crossed out) March AD 1855
The Commissioner of Pensions will please forward my warrant to Gibson L. CRAMMER
who as my agent will receive the same and transmit it to me.
Nancy SIBERT X her mark
Document # 21:
Wheeling April 3, 1855
Enclosed I send you the applications of David GARVIN, John D. SEAMAN and Nancy SIBERT and also enclose the Land warrant of David GARVIN for Eighty acres which was issued to him under the Act of Sept 28, 1850. You will perceive by the application of Mrs SIBERT that she received under the Act of Sept 28, 1850 a land warrant for 160 acres of bounty land for another Service than that which is now applied for. I am ignorant whether or not She would be entitled to any more but at her request send on her application.
Resptly yours
NOTE: I have tried to type them exactly as I read them. In some instances the writing is very hard to ead. If in doubt, like I am on the name of Ann GROVES mother Rebecca's last name, please search original on file at the NARA. The X's and slashes in document # 3 were in the original document.