Location: Located at mouth of Pleasant Valley on Route 21
GPS Coordinates: 38.69037,-81.66528
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Transcribed, with permission, from "Jackson County Cemeteries, Vol 1" by the Jackson County Historical Society. Information not found on the markers has been added by the person reading the cemetery, and may not be accurate.
Berry, Johnny, 1942-1952
Bradley, Charles, 1830-1898; son of Christopher and Mary Bradley
Garnes, Aggie W., D. Jan. 29, 1892
Garnes, N. E. (No Dates)
Garnes, George R., D. Jan. 18, 1909, aged 46 Y 5 M 5 D; son of Jackson & Elizabeth (Burdett) Garnes
Garnes, Letha A., D. Aug. 6, 1890, aged 18 Y 9 M 29 D
Garnes, Walter F., 1906-1959
Garnes, Virginia R., D. Sept, 25, 1945
Garnes, William E., D. May 1930; Infant
Garnes, Roland N., 1927-1928
Garnes, Andred J. (No Dates)
Garnes, Harriett, Jan. 1859-March 1906
Gorden, Sylvanus, D. Feb. 23, 1887, aged 65 Y 4 M 20 D
Gorden, George H., 1871-1938
Rawlings, Charles, D. Aug. 16, 1896, aged 29 Y 9 M 9 D; son of Richard & Melissa (Mahon) Rawlings
Wilson, Robert, 1875-1950
Wilson, Sarah A., 1873-1957