1954 CLASS

The Fifth Grade Class, Grantsville Graded School, 1954.

Submitted by Betty Dotson Renick.

After this picture was developed, my Mom (who taught high school with my Dad at Calhoun County High) made me write the name of every one of the kids in this photo. These were my friends -- I took the picture -- before we moved away. This was the last day of school.

First Row left to right: Harold Freshour, Spence Wilson

Second Row: Judy Fetty, Sharon Ferrell, Barbara Gibson, Roger Huffman, Larry McCallister, Edward Cain, Richard Leach, Kenneth Duskey

Third Row: Chuckie Smith, Orville Earl, Eugene Siers, Margaret Evans, Doris Osborne, Louis Burrows, Phyllis Barnes, Doris Ketchem, Jannine Ayers, Judy McDonald, Joe Wilt, Woody Wilson

Fourth Row: Delma Harris, Roy Carter, Sonja, Tira Roberts, Mary Dye, Joanne Robinson, Betsy Parsons, Donna Yoak, Mike Vaughn, Virginia Cogar, Junelle Hayhurst, Phyllis Mattes, Lloyd Boone, Mike Snider, Edsel Siers, Richard Sturm, Mrs. Wilma Stump.